Pybytes Terminal shows data out of order
Has anyone else noticed that when sending commands in PyBytes via the Terminal tab, the data returned is often out of order?
I'm using the latest firmware on a LoPy4, 1.18.2. when trying to display things like i2c.scan() or WLAN().ipconfig(), I get a response but the characters are all out of order and don't make any sense sometimes.
AFAIK, this was operational prior to the 1.18.2 firmware update?
Here's one example of the output>>>i2c=I2C(0,pins=("P9","P10")) >>>i2c.init(I2C.MASTER,baudrate=9600) >>>print(i2c.scan()) , [ 57 , 64 >>>print(i2c.scan()) , [ 57 , 64 >>>print(i2c.scan()) , ] [ 57 , 64 >>>print(i2c.scan()) , ] [ 57 , 64 >>>
And here's IPconfig
>>>from network import WLAN >>>wlan-WLAN() Exception: NameError("name 'wlan' is not defined",) >>>wlan=WLAN() >>>print(WLAN().ifconfig()) . 1 . 0 ( ' 1 0 8 , 5 2 5 5 . 5 ' 0 . . 1 1 ' 1 0 . . ) >>>
Ive pointed the correct people at this thread. one of them should be able to answer soon :)