Help me please Sensor SHT20 SHT21
Who can help me?
I have the sensor SHT20 and SHT21 on ic board.
How can I read it with the Wipy/Lopy?
Is there a library like the one for the Bosch BME 280 ?
What I have found only comical values come out and no numbers.#Init bus i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000) #SHT20 Temperature command (use no hold master only commands --> 0xF3 ) command = array.array('b', [0xF3]) result = array.array('b', [0, 0, 0]) print(result) print(i2c.writeto(0x40, command)) time.sleep(0.1) result = binascii.hexlify(i2c.readfrom(0x40, 3)) print(result)``` Ergebnis = b'63acf9'
Doesn't anybody have such a sensor running and could help me get mine to run?