Testing nanogateway with lorawan devices
I'm running the nanogateway example on this setup:
(sysname='LoPy4', nodename='LoPy4', release='1.20.0.rc13', version='5bddb57-dirty on 2019-09-19', machine='LoPy4 with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', sigfox='1.0.1')I'm trying to connect some lorawan (OTAA) devices that a buy. But the nanogateway but the majority otaa joins and uplinks
fails. But if i use a lopy4 runing the node_otaa example, the join and uplinks work well.
Have someone run with the same issue?Cumps,
Luís Santos
@mfalkvidd Hi, tks for the reply.
Ok, that explains the problems that I have.
@serafimsaudade the nanogateway only supports one channel, which means it is not lorawan compliant. The lorawan devices you bought probably require a lorawan compliant gateway.