Unhandled exception in callback handler
from machine import UART import time from network import Bluetooth import adafruit_gps import pycom import _thread def parse_and_broadcast(): while True: gps.update() if not gps.has_fix: print('Waiting for fix...') continue print('=' * 40) # Print a separator line. print('Latitude: {} degrees'.format(gps.latitude)) print('Longitude: {} degrees'.format(gps.longitude)) print('Fix quality: {}'.format(gps.fix_quality)) latitude = gps.latitude longitude = gps.longitude latlong = latitude + longitude print("latlong:",latlong) chr1.value(latlong) #if gps.satellites is not None: #print('# satellites: {}'.format(gps.satellites)) #if gps.altitude_m is not None: #print('Altitude: {} meters'.format(gps.altitude_m)) #if gps.track_angle_deg is not None: #print('Speed: {} knots'.format(gps.speed_knots)) #if gps.track_angle_deg is not None: #print('Track angle: {} degrees'.format(gps.track_angle_deg)) #if gps.horizontal_dilution is not None: #print('Horizontal dilution: {}'.format(gps.horizontal_dilution)) #if gps.height_geoid is not None: #print('Height geo ID: {} meters'.format(gps.height_geoid)) def conn_cb (bt_o): events = bt_o.events() if events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED: print("Client connected") elif events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED: print("Client disconnected") def char1_cb(chr,arg1=None): events = chr.events() if events & Bluetooth.CHAR_READ_EVENT : parse_and_broadcast() uart = UART(1, baudrate=115200, pins=('P8','P4')) #tx rx gps = adafruit_gps.GPS(uart) print('Advertising Bluetooth...') bluetooth = Bluetooth() bluetooth.advertise(True) bluetooth.set_advertisement(name='gps', service_uuid=b'1234567890abcdef') srv1 = bluetooth.service(uuid='0000000000000000', isprimary=True) chr1 = srv1.characteristic(uuid='0000000000000002', properties=Bluetooth.PROP_INDICATE | Bluetooth.PROP_BROADCAST | Bluetooth.PROP_READ | Bluetooth.PROP_WRITE| Bluetooth.PROP_NOTIFY, value='InitialValue') bluetooth.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED | Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, handler=conn_cb) chr1.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CHAR_READ_EVENT | Bluetooth.CHAR_NOTIFY_EVENT, handler=char1_cb)
I am using fipy over pysense. I connected external gps. I am reading on uart. I parse. I broadcast the data over ble to the terminal application. after a while I get an error from ble as below
How can ı fix this error?
Do you have any ideas guys?
Can you help me?
Thank you!!
@jcaron How can I do what you say
@AlganEren You can't write to the characteristic unless there is a client connected. You'll have to store the current connection state and only update the characteristic when you are connected.