Hi All,
The TTN Conf was a blast.
Pymesh (Mesh over LoRa) was presented, in a pre-release shape, even more we had a ~30ppl workshop, which was full-house.
Technically, the most interesting thing, was presentation of LoRaWAN extender (Relay) idea, which Nicolas Sornin (LoRa inventor/Semtech CTO) would like to add to LoRaWAN standard pretty soon. This goes hand-in-hand with our Pymesh development efforts. I was lucky to have a private meeting with Nicolas, in which we debated the Pymesh. Furthermore, in this workshop, he presented some tech ideas that I'll incorporate in Pymesh LoRa physical layer.
As general note, lots of business people were interested in using Pymesh and Pygo for real use-cases.
Now-days, my efforts go into integrating Pymesh into our master development, so to be released ASAP. Also, more micropy scripts should be released to exemplify Pymesh usage.