LoPy Nano-Gateway Extended (Timeout and Retry)

  • The following example is based on the one previously posted here:
    LoPy Nano-Gateway

    The original code shared messages over LoRa between several LoPys using one of them as a Nano-Gateway and the remaining ones as nodes.

    Keep in mind that for this example the communication works as follows:

    LoPy 1 -------> Nano-Gateway LoPy <------- LoPy 2

    The nodes send messages to the Nano-Gateway for further processing, this might include sending the messages over WiFi to a server for example.

    The following code its an extension of the original one. It includes a couple of new features:

    Maximum waiting for acknowledge time:
    After sending a message, each node waits for a response from the server with an acknowledge package.
    In the original code this process took an infinite amount of time, meaning that if the package or the acknowledge where not delivered the node would stop sending further messages.
    In this new version, a maximum waiting time is introduced and set to a default of 5 secs. This allows the node to stop listening for an acknowledge and continue with other tasks. Change the default time depending on your application, especially if you are using different data rates or your processing times of the package in the Nano-Gateway are too long

    Message retry:
    If the acknowledge of the message never arrives, or another message arrives for a different device or message_id, the device will re-send the current package up to a maximum of 3 times (default) before setting the package as not send. This will allow for a more robust communication and will fix issues when two devices send messages at the same time causing a collision. Keep in mid that without a proper LoRa Gateway there is no collision management and all devices can send at the same time on the same band.
    To further avoid collisions, a random delay is added before trying to resend a message. If a collision occurred the involved devices will send their messages at different time intervals.

    Note: If you are in an area where other LoRa devices are being used, check if the band you are using is free, is not try a different band.

    Nano Gateway Files:

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  • @roberto
    I have used the above code and the communication between the one node and gateway is generated, but the device id and package. What is the procedure to get the exact connected device.Please update as soon as possible your help will be appreciable.

    Thank You

  • @seb Thank you so much, that was the point! Setting rx_iq instead of tx_iq True on the Gateway solved the issue. And frequency is set as well.

  • @heut I will have a closer look at your code now but in the mean time, a few things that often catch users out:

    • Make sure both LoPy modules are running the same firmware
    • Please set the frequency to ensure it is the same on both

    One thing I have already noticed is you have set tx_iq on both the node and the gateway, it should be rx_iq=True for the gateway and tx_iq=True on the nodes.

  • @seb Thank you for the hint. However, that didn't make a difference in my situation at all. There is still not a single message transmitted. Any other suggestions what it might be?

    Just to be sure, here the sources I'm using.


    import socket
    import struct
    from network import LoRa
    import time
    # A basic package header
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # %ds: Formated string for string
    _LORA_PKG_FORMAT = "!BBB%ds"
    # A basic ack package
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # B: 1 byte for the Ok (200) or error messages
    # Open a Lora Socket, use rx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
    #lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, tx_iq=True, frequency=870000000, sf=7)
    lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, tx_iq=True)
    lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
    while (True):
        # Since the maximum body size in the protocol is 255 the request is limited to 512 bytes
        recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)
        # If at least a message with the header is received process it
        if (len(recv_pkg) > 3):
            print("Package received")
            recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[1]
            # If message is corrupted should not continue processing
            #if (not len(recv_pkg) == recv_pkg_len + 3):
            # Unpack the message based on the protocol definition
            device_id, pkg_len, msg_id, msg = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % recv_pkg_len, recv_pkg)
            # Respond to the device with an acknoledge package
            # time.sleep(0.15)
            ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, device_id, 1, msg_id, 200)
            print("sent ack")
            # Do any extra processing required for the package. Keep in mind it should be as fast as posible
            # to make sure that the other clients are not waiting too long for their messages to be acknoleged


    import os
    import socket
    import time
    import struct
    from network import LoRa
    from uos import urandom
    # A basic package header
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # %ds: Formated string for string
    _LORA_PKG_FORMAT = "!BBB%ds"
    # A basic ack package
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # B: 1 byte for the Ok (200) or error messages
    # This device ID, use different device id for each device
    _DEVICE_ID = 0x01
    _MAX_ACK_TIME = 5000
    _RETRY_COUNT = 3
    # Open a Lora Socket, use tx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
    #lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, tx_iq=True, frequency=870000000, sf=7)
    lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, tx_iq=True)
    lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
    # Method to increase message id and keep in between 1 and 255
    msg_id = 0
    def increase_msg_id():
        global msg_id
        msg_id = (msg_id + 1) & 0xFF
    # Method for acknoledge waiting time keep
    def check_ack_time(from_time):
        current_time = time.ticks_ms()
        return (current_time - from_time > _MAX_ACK_TIME)
    # Method to send messages
    def send_msg(msg):
        print("SEND MSG")
        global msg_id
        retry = _RETRY_COUNT
        while (retry > 0 and not retry == -1):
            retry -= 1
            pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % len(msg), _DEVICE_ID, len(msg), msg_id, msg)
            # Wait for the response from the server.
            start_time = time.ticks_ms()
            while(not check_ack_time(start_time)):
                recv_ack = lora_sock.recv(256)
                # If a message of the size of the acknoledge message is received
                if (len(recv_ack) == 4):
                    print("SIZE CORRECT")
                    device_id, pkg_len, recv_msg_id, status = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, recv_ack)
                    if (device_id == _DEVICE_ID and recv_msg_id == msg_id):
                        if (status == 200):
                            # Do some code if your message arrived at the central
                            return True
                            return False
            time.sleep_ms(urandom(1)[0] << 2)
        return False
    # Main Loop
        success = send_msg("DEVICE %d HERE" % _DEVICE_ID)
        if (success):
            print("ACK RECEIVED: %d" % msg_id)
            print("MESSAGE FAILED")
            # Manage the error message

  • @heut try adding a delay in your loop, e.g. 50ms, this seemed to vastly improve the situation for me

  • Hi @Roberto and @Butch

    Thank you very much for the interesting discussion. I'm currently trying to get the plain code (node_1.py and nano_gateway.py) working on my LoPy(s), without success so far. I have both updated to the latest Firmware for Switzerland and sitting in an extension board with antennas attached. When running the code respective code on the LoPys, not a single message is delivered and acknowledged. All messages that are received on the gateway node have the size 0.
    From time to time the node_1.py LoPy shows a longer LED blink in blue instead of the heartbeat.

    Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


  • @fbt
    For a LoRaWAN device you'd usually want to be using https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/tree/master/examples/lorawan-nano-gateway and not the code on the post. This code is for raw LoRa only.

    8 devices on the LoRaWAN gateway shouldn't be a problem as long as they don't transmit at the same time.

  • Thanks @gouao ... any reply about this issue @jmarcelino ? thanks

  • @fbt hello mate, unfortunately i could't get any informations concerning this..
    If you find out something please let me know !

    All the best!

  • Hi @gouao, did you get any answer about the compatibility of seeeduino lorawan and lopy? thanks

  • Hi @Roberto , in case i wanted to support more than 2 nodes, i.e 8 nodes, which parameters should i modify on the gateway code?. thanks

  • @Colateral Thanks for your reply. My post below provides all the answers to the questions you asked. Not only does it have the version number of the firmware that I'm using, it also has all the code for both the node and the gateway.

  • @Butch Are you using 1.6.11b1? How exactly instantiated lora stack for the GW and the Node? I mean all can yu enumerate all params that you configured for the lora object?

  • And, once again replying to my own post, I understand why:

    LoRa spec:

    7.2.6 US902-928 Maximum payload size

    2 The maximum MACPayload size length (M) is given by the following table. It is derived from
    3 the maximum allowed transmission time at the PHY layer taking into account a possible
    4 repeater encapsulation. The maximum application payload length in the absence of the
    5 optional FOpt MAC control field (N) is also given for information only. The value of N might
    6 be smaller if the FOpt field is not empty:

    DataRate       M         N
    0              19        11
    1              61        53
    2              137       129
    3              250       242
    4              250       242
    5:7             Not defined
    8              41        33
    9              117       109
    10             230       222
    11             230       222
    12             230       222
    13             230       222
    14:15           Not defined

    So, as you can see, at data rate 1, the maximum payload size is 61 bytes. If I want to send more, I have to increase the data rate.

    My question now is how do I increase the data rate? Ideally, I'd like to use data rate 3.

    It looked like I could just do this:

    lora_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 3)

    That code completes with no complaint, but when I make the change on both the node and gateway sides, it does not change the maximum payload size.

    After playing around with it some more, 4 seems to be the maximum supported, in spite of what the chart above says.

    Any ideas? Please?


  • Following up on my own post (which seems to be a theme for me), I discovered that it is, indeed, the length of the payload that's causing the problem. If I limit the payload to 61 bytes (plus a three-byte header), it works:

    Sending a message: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901, length = 61
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01=\x001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901', length = 64, bytes sent = 64

    If, however, I increase the length of the payload to 62 bytes (plus a three-byte header), it fails:

    Sending a message: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012, length = 62
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01>\x0012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012', length = 65, bytes sent = 65
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01>\x0012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012', length = 65, bytes sent = 65
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01>\x0012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012', length = 65, bytes sent = 65

    Any ideas?


  • Can a seeeduino lorawan communicate with the lopys ?
    Can it act as a node, wich is recognized by the lopy nano-gateway ?

  • @bucknall Alex, I'll share my current issue here so that hopefully others can benefit from my stupidity. :-)

    I have the sample code above working. The node and gateway properly exchange message/ACK. The message being sent from the node is


    To make this more useful, I want to change the message to some JSON reporting a temperature:

    {"id": 1, "temperature": -14.3,"unit": "C","time":"14-Apr-2017@21:48:32"}

    However, this fails. But it fails in a completely unexpected way. On the gateway:

    recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)

    constantly receives zero-length packets. All I did was change the message being sent. I did not change the header, nor the struct. If I had a malformed header or payload, I would expect the recv to at least get something with a length greater than zero bytes.

    Complete sample code for gateway:

    # LoRaNanoGateway.py
    import socket
    import struct
    from network import LoRa
    import time
    # A basic package header
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # %ds: Formated string for string
    _LORA_PKG_FORMAT = "!BBB%ds"
    # A basic ack package
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # B: 1 byte for the Ok (200) or error messages
    # Let the world know we're starting up.
    print("Starting LoRaNanoGateway")
    # Open a Lora Socket, use rx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
    lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, frequency=915000000, rx_iq=True)
    lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
    while (True):
        # Since the maximum body size in the protocol is 255 the request is limited to 512 bytes
        recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)
        print("Received message, length = %d" % len(recv_pkg))
        # If at least a message with the header is received process it
        if (len(recv_pkg) > 3):
            print("<<<<<<<<<<<<< Received VALID message, length = %d" % len(recv_pkg))
            recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[1]
            # If message is corrupted should not continue processing
            if (not len(recv_pkg) == recv_pkg_len + 3):
            # Unpack the message based on the protocol definition
            device_id, pkg_len, msg_id, msg = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % recv_pkg_len, recv_pkg)
            # Respond to the device with an acknowledge package
            # time.sleep(0.15)
            print("+++ Received a message: %s" % msg)
            ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, device_id, 1, msg_id, 200)
            print("------ Sending an ACK")
            # Do any extra processing required for the package. Keep in mind it should be as fast as posible
            # to make sure that the other clients are not waiting too long for their messages to be acknoleged

    Complete sample code for node:

    # LoRaNanoNode.py
    import os
    import socket
    import time
    import struct
    from network import LoRa
    from uos import urandom
    # A basic package header
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # %ds: Formated string for string
    _LORA_PKG_FORMAT = "!BBB%ds"
    # A basic ack package
    # B: 1 byte for the deviceId
    # B: 1 byte for the pkg size
    # B: 1 byte for the messageId
    # B: 1 byte for the Ok (200) or error messages
    # This device ID, use different device id for each device
    _DEVICE_ID = 0x01
    _MAX_ACK_TIME = 5000
    _RETRY_COUNT = 3
    # Let the world know we're starting up.
    print("Starting LoRaNanoNode on device %d" % _DEVICE_ID)
    # Open a Lora Socket, use tx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
    lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, frequency=915000000, tx_iq=True)
    lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
    # Method to increase message id and keep in between 1 and 255
    msg_id = 0
    def increase_msg_id():
        global msg_id
        msg_id = (msg_id + 1) & 0xFF
    # Method for acknoledge waiting time keep
    def check_ack_time(from_time):
        current_time = time.ticks_ms()
        return (current_time - from_time > _MAX_ACK_TIME)
    # Method to send messages
    def send_msg(msg):
        global msg_id
        retry = _RETRY_COUNT
        while (retry > 0 and not retry == -1):
            retry -= 1
            pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % len(msg), _DEVICE_ID, len(msg), msg_id, msg)
            bytes_sent = lora_sock.send(pkg)
            print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package %s, length = %d, bytes sent = %d" % (pkg, len(pkg), bytes_sent))
            # Wait for the response from the server.
            start_time = time.ticks_ms()
            while(not check_ack_time(start_time)):
                recv_ack = lora_sock.recv(256)
                # If a message of the size of the acknoledge message is received
                if (len(recv_ack) == 4):
                    device_id, pkg_len, recv_msg_id, status = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, recv_ack)
                    if (device_id == _DEVICE_ID and recv_msg_id == msg_id):
                        if (status == 200):
                            # Do some code if your message arrived at the central
                            return True
                            return False
            time.sleep_ms(urandom(1)[0] << 2)
        return False
    # Main Loop
        msg = '{"id": %s, "temperature": -14.3,"unit": "C","time":"14-Apr-2017@21:48:32"}' % _DEVICE_ID
        # msg = "DEVICE %d HERE" % _DEVICE_ID
        print("Sending a message: %s, length = %d" % (msg, len(msg)))
        # success = send_msg("DEVICE %d HERE" % _DEVICE_ID)
        success = send_msg(msg)
        if (success):
            print("ACK RECEIVED: %d" % msg_id)
            print("MESSAGE FAILED")
            # Manage the error message
    # >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01I\x00{"id": 1, "temperature": -14.3,"unit": "C","time":"14-Apr-2017@21:48:32"}', length = 76
    # >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sending package b'\x01\r\x10DEVICE 1 HERE', length = 16

    You can see that I have dumped the raw packed structure, and that it sure looks like it's properly formed. ASCII '\r' corresponds to 13, which is the length of the payload in the original sample message, and ASCII 'I' corresponds to 73, which is the length of the payload in my new message. The device ID in the header is the same, and the message ID shouldn't matter, right?

    My understanding is that the payload size is limited to 255 bytes, so I don't think I'm running into a space issue.

    I should also add that I'm running 1.6.8b2 on both boards:

    >>> import os
    >>> os.uname()
    (sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.6.8.b2', version='v1.8.6-530-gca8bdcbb on 2017-03-21', machine='LoPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.0')

    Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.


  • @Roberto Doesn't work anymore with. Simply GW not getting the message.

    (sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.6.10.b1', version='v1.8.6-556-g989d5ac9 on 2017-03-30', machine='LoPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.0')

    Any ideas why?

  • @bucknall said in LoPy Nano-Gateway Extended (Timeout and Retry):

    Hi @Butch

    There's previously was a small bug in the gateway and node code where you need to specify the spread factor (e.g. sf=7).

    This has since been patched in the latest firmware release, please try to update your device and your code should now work!


    It works! Thank you so much!


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