@robert-hh OK, I set up some code to try this out, several timers at different periods and several threads including one to start LTE, send an SMS and then deinit. From what I can see, the timers do NOT get interupted by the LTE device. It seems the timer counts are retained and dumped to REPL as soon as possible (buffered apparently). There is some corruption/mixup of REPL lines but all the timer flags are there
I will investigate a bit further and see if I can use this to my advantage. One thread/timer I will need will be at 11uS preferably, so as it is too fast to capture by eye, I'll have to write to a file to a file to evaluate any impact by the LTE device. Biggest constraint might be the actual time to write to disk. A FIFO data buffer is probably a good solution - some work to do there.
The test code was pretty rough and ready so its needs a lot of refinement to be truly useful as a valid test.