@groger57 The antenna is not the problem. The sensitivity of the ESP32 WiFi is very good. It's the configuration, like @rskoniec said. For WiFi, you have two options:
Keep the WiPy in AP mode, which is the default. In that mode, the WiPy is the access point, like your router now. In oder to connect to it, you have to re-configure our PC and connect the PC to it. Then, the PC looses the comnnection to the internet, unless it has two interfaces, e.g. wired and wireless.
Configure the WiPy to Station mode and let it connect to your router. That is usually more convenient. A sample script is here: https://docs.pycom.io/tutorials/all/wlan/ The essential statements , to be entered manually are:
import network
wlan = network.WLAN(mode=network.WLAN.STA) # create station interface
wlan.connect(ssid=WIFI_SSID, auth=(network.WLAN.WPA2, WIFI_PASSWD))
After wlan.connect(), you have to wait a few seconds to allow the Wipy to connect. You would usually put that connect code above into main.py.
Finally, you can still continue with attempts to use the serial interface. Options:
Pymakr (which fails)
The command line tool ampy by adafruit (https://learn.adafruit.com/micropython-basics-load-files-and-run-code/install-ampy)
the command line tool rshell (https://github.com/dhylands/rshell)
the command line tool pyboard.py (https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/tools/pyboard.py)
some other people tools like
-- uPyLoader (https://github.com/BetaRavener/uPyLoader/releases)
-- Thonny
Although as fallback tools I prefer the command line tools. They are robust, and especially rshell.py and pyboard.py need only Python with the serial and usb libs to work.