I found out that Thailand is using 920-950Mhz bands while The Thing Network Propose Cambodia to use AS923-925Mhz (AS2) so 915Mhz bands could be used.
@crumble Thanks for this insightful reply.
WiFi is out of question in any form. Your other suggestions are really interesting. Could you explain the second suggestion, using UART, in a bit more detail?
@robert-hh Problem solved, when you said bash script I realised that I was running it from the wrong program and then in shell just typed /path_to_the_folder/update and worked. Thanks a lot !
I went through the update firmware process, and it can't even connect to the board at all. I'm pretty sure it's dead. Not sure if I killed it or it came bad, but it's got no signs of any life whatsoever.
I have no idea how LoRaWAN stack is implemented by PyCom. I just responded to your opening post that 155 bytes payload is not allowed with SF12 by the LoRaWAN Specification.
@yazido Do not use "keepalive" in function MQTTClient.
c = MQTTClient("ESPython", "", port=1883, user="user", password="pass", keepalive=0)
c = MQTTClient("ESPython", "", port=1883, user="user", password="pass")
@dbrgn The library may also have a local cache, which would be used for reading, and could compare values against the cache before actually writing to flash.
There could also be some way to write only a few bytes rather than full sectors like a filesystem would do, not sure if that's actually possible with the flash interface used.
The Python port supports the standard socket communication methods. So if you have a python client code, that should run on LoPy. For some basic examples, see section 5 of the documentation. The documentation is always worth a look, in addition to the standard Python manuals.
@lebucur The Lopy warms up a little bit when running. Can you estimate how worm it get's. It's normal that it gets a little bit warmer than environmental temperature, so it feels warm, but you should still be able to touch it without without any pain.
Is it the deviec in total or a specific component?