@timh I kind of get what you're going for, but the issue is mostly that when attempting to use any sort of debouncing with multiple buttons (each button with their own callback), the first button pressed is the only button that the callback will run for until the device is reset (even though the device detects the other button is push as confirmed through looking at the pin value).
So if I understand you correctly, I could simply provide arguments for each pin's callback function to identify which one was activated. That would work, but when the callback won't even go through for any button other than the first one pressed, that doesn't really work.
I just worked around it and made a function to detect sequential long presses. Since I have 3 different status codes, I made it as such
1 long press sends status code 1
2 long presses sends status code 2
3 long presses sends status code 3
A user is notified of what press they are on based on the LED colors, and 3 green blinks represents that the status/data has been sent.