I don't have my WiPy nearby to test but note that for pins set as Pin.OUT the behaviour and return value of the value() is undefined, you can't really trust it will match what you sent.
See https://micropython.org/resources/docs/en/latest/wipy/library/machine.Pin.html
look here
no read_timed does not exist please add this in
Hello Daniel,
many thanks! I successfully tested the stuff for a https POST with certificate based client authentication on an older (0.9.7.b1) firmware.
best regards
Those 14mA are probably considering the average current in modem-sleep mode, so not transmitting or receiving data, just keeping the WiFi link available.
In modem sleep mode the ESP32 will turn on WiFi very briefly at the beaconing interval set by the access point, enough to to remain 'connected' but not actively transmitting or receiving outside that beacon window.
The ESP32 on the WiPy is not running at full speed, so the current is probably within the "Normal speed" range. If you take this + average the above it may well be within the 14mA shown.
Sorry if I caused any confusion with my original reply, I meant that active WiFi actually transmitting or receiving on 20mA would not be possible.
I see a commit to support modem sleep on the ESP-IDF core library just 9 days ago so we may see this soon.
Specific part number is TTL-232R-3V3.
@acheesehead said in OTA firmware update:
FTDI 232-3V3 cable works.
@jmarcelino said in OTA firmware update:
You really have to check your adapter, many 3.3V level TTL FTDI232 adapters - in fact the official FTDI-branded cable does that - deliver 5V on V+ so you should connect that one to Vin. Some have a pin marked 5V.
That's probably what you want because most adapters can't deliver enough power on their 3.3V output to power the Py boards, the regulator is too weak.
However any adapter should be set to 3.3V voltage level signals. That means TX and RX must use 3.3V.
If you do have a FTDI-style adapter that can deliver enough current on 3.3V (suggest 500mA) you can connect it to the 3.3V pin directly on the Py board.
Read closely before you buy and then if possible test it before using it.
Hi, It works with my Wipy 2.0, i think the only change i made was:
def write8(self, register, value):
"""Write an 8-bit value to the specified register."""
value = value & 0xFF
self._i2c.writeto_mem(self._address, register, bytes([value]))
@Roberto - Thanks so much for your comprehensive reply.
Actually I figured it all out yesterday and deleted my post after I did that, but for some reason the post still exists.
I have posted elsewhere regarding problems with high latency and error messages when using pymate together with the rgbled example: https://forum.pycom.io/topic/276/pymate-understanding-virtual-and-terminal-pins/13
The other problem I found is that pymate only currently supports developer access and defaults to edit mode, I really need to get a real user to test it out and not allow them to edit the widgets.
On another subject, I have tried the restore function by pulling GP28 high for > 3 < 6 seconds and it always reverts to the current release and does not restore the previous or factory defaults, not sure why.
Thanks again !
Look for the files modes in open.
"w" will open it and eras the previous content
"a" will open it and append the new content to the end
"r+" will open it for reading and writing.
You may set the position to read or write with f.seek()