@goldfishalpha LinkADRReq is only send by a lorawan base station/gateway . Pycom device as only a device stack not a gateway one.
So a pycom device can only process received LinkADRReq if you have the correct setting in lora constructor
from documentation, set adr to true and the gateway will send you Linkadrreq IF needed by link quality transmission
lora.init(mode, * ,region=LoRa.EU868, frequency=868000000, tx_power=14, bandwidth=LoRa.BW_125KHZ, sf=7, preamble=8, coding_rate=LoRa.CODING_4_5, power_mode=LoRa.ALWAYS_ON, tx_iq=False, rx_iq=False, adr=True, public=True, tx_retries=1, device_class=LoRa.CLASS_A)