I am using @Butch 's BME280 lib from HERE
If I can get away with using P10 sequentially I will. Moving SCL to another pin is a great alternative. My BME280's are pretty close, about 5cm, but they are plugged into the LoPy expansion shield pin headders, which have some 'play' in them (not a solid connection). I would prefer to solder them somewhere for impact testing. What's hot glue for anyway :-)
I'm using a fully made breakout BME280 board from HERE
@jmarcelino thought moving the I2C pins is best, since you can't move the deep sleep shield pin 10. -Thank you!
in the main.py I added the pin assignment:
i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000, pins=('P8','P9'))
Works fine now.