@Ralph It seems there's a new bug. (almost) Every time I click the "Sync" button all the files get uploaded. Also I notice something that looks like a piece of checksum being printed like this:
>>> Syncing project (main folder)...
>>> [1/12] Writing file communication.py
[2/12] Writing file config.py
[3/12] Writing file globals.py
[12/12] Writing file utils.py
Synchronizing done, resetting board...
Also, "Run" command on a file doesn't update the file on the flash, resulting in a strange behaviour if the current file is also present in the flash.
Editing the script and running it seems to use the classes from the file on the flash memory, and the "top level" instructions from the editor file :/
Now the "Sync" end with an error. I rebooted the board, the PC and updated the firmware....
>>> Syncing project (main folder)...
>>> [1/13] Writing file communication.py
[2/13] Writing file config.py
Synchronizing failed: Write failed. Please reboot your device manually.
Fixed with the new release